
Content Nitrous

I know it sounds too good to be true but listen closely, this is not theory this is a proven fact. Omar & Melinda Martin have been using a system they call “Content Nitrous” to enhance their websites and make more money.

They’ve been doing this quietly for years and now they have revealed their secret to the world.

>> Copy & Paste This Code To Make Money http://jvz2.com/c/297949/177881

They tested this method for years on membership sites, download pages squeeze funnels, you name it!

Once they perfected it they hired a team of programmers to automate it. The team slaved away for months and they finally emerged with a copy and paste shortcode for WordPress that pulls in money.


That code right there can be customized and place INSIDE YOUR website to deploy a super profitable marketing system.

>> Copy & Paste This Code To Make Money http://jvz2.com/c/297949/177881

Content Nitrous includes everything you need to create your own money making shortcode and be up and running quickly.

:: The Content Nitrous eBook :: The MP3 Audio Course :: The MP4 Video Training (4 videos) :: The StepBox Nitrous WP Plugin

This is an all inclusive business boosting training system and software!

You’ve gotta see this thing in action! http://jvz2.com/c/297949/177881

Sincerely, Michael Lee

P.S. – You know these launches don’t last forever so you’d better go snap this thing up ASAP!

April Fools



Ok I’m driving down the highway and I receive a call from a friend who I had recently reached out to so I was expecting a return call.  During the course of the conversation he excited asked if I had heard the news that this high level government leader had been assassinated.   I thought for a minute and had just been listening to the news before he called so I was ready.    I said this is an April fools right.  I hoped indeed that it was because it would have been tragic.   He said “yea, you sharp!  I couldn’t get ya”  I had to agree that it was a good one so I got my daughter with it and she got her friend.   Ha Ha Ha.

Speaking of April fools I know sometimes we can end up feeling like a fool when we buy some Info products that just don’t deliver.  I have been checking out several products that seem to be different because of the value that they give.  I will be sharing these with you over the next few days.  The first one you can take a look at is below:

Let me know what you think in the comments below.



Happy Easter


Instant Downline Network…


Ok the next stop on my crazy internet marketing expedition is Instant Downline Network.  While I was still struggling with MLSP I noticed a group that was getting a lot of traction on Facebook.  One of the guys who was in MLSP invited me to the Facebook group and they grew from 8,000 to 10,000 members in no time.  The premises or promise of the founder, Jordan Keyes, was that he would build your downline automatically through a rotator that would place individuals who can in after you, under you in your downline.  Everyone had to join one particular company, The Financial Fitness Network.  This company had some hoaky products that were offered for free and some others that could be marketed.  The company had a simple commission setup.  The people in Instant Downline Network really didn’t care too much what the products were they just wanted to get in on the “Hugh” downlines promised.  There were two other components that came in later.  One was called “The Bridge”  and the other “The Private Millionaires Club”  The Bridge was low cost and designed to build up the cash reserves of those who could not join the PMC right away because the price was rather steep.

Jordan had also designed a members area where there was some training set up as well as an area where people could socialize and welcome new members.  There were prizes to be won to keep everyone’s interest.

Bottom line on this pitstop is that the people who got in first made money and the people who came in later made nothing.  I believe I broke even or took a small loss on the PMC.  The lesson here is that you should not get caught up in the the next new shiny object to come along.  The hype up claims could not be maintained.  The Instant Downline Network looked for another company to join up with and found one in a company call TAN.  It was based in England.  As before the people who got in first got paid and the ones who came later got nothing.

Ok, so now I’m really starting to understand how people can be so easily tricked out of their money by sound good promises and some smoke and mirrors.  Believe it or not I think that people know this and deliberately set up situations that will generate this type of behavior and capitalize on it for their gain.

Somebody said best “There’s a Sucker born every day”.

Until next time,



Oh by the way if you see this give a comment below and I will send you something free that should help you in your business.

100 day biz builder challenge

2016-02-04_0007Hey Gang, the last episode of My crazy Internet Marketing Expedition I told you that I joined the 100 Day Biz Builder Challenge in MLSP.  This challenge was run by Justice Egan and Adam Chandler, two respected Internet Marketers.  The Challenge was set up to help newbees as well as experienced Internet Marketers to grow their business by giving them a blueprint to follow in order to make since out of all of the many facets of Internet Marketing.  It was designed to be a 14 week course.  I was in the second group to go through it so instead of live weekly conference calls we watched weekly videos that taught us profitable skills and habits that would result in growth in both our business and in ourselves.  Each video was one to three hours in length and covered various subjects such as:

  • Content Marketing

  • FaceBook Marketing

  • Conquering Procrastination

  • Conquering Excuses

  • Blogging Blueprint

  • Developing Your Money Skill

  • Mastering Personality Traits

  • SEO

  • Making the Shift

  • Multiple 6-Figure Earner Ray Higdon Exposes His Secrets

  • Advanced Selling Strategies

There were several live gatherings where we all got on a Hangout and reviewed and listened to some of the people who were having success in their businesses.

I followed the challenge and did learn a great deal about Internet Marketing in the process but I did not have much success with generating leads.  I believe this was due to my own lack of understanding and effort.  There was something missing that needed to change in order for me to change.  All of the knowledge in the world will not help you if you never commit to implement what you have learned.  I had to come to the realization that THERE IS NO QUICK FIX.  NO MAGIC SOLUTION THAT WILL SOLVE ALL OF MY PROBLEMS.  You have to commit to implement what you learn and painstakingly walk step by step through the problems until you have understanding and victory.

I did not make 1 sale in MLSP and did not get but 1 lead and I actually tried.  There was still something wrong.  What was it that I was missing.  Why was I not being successful when all I have ever known is success?

Happy New Year


Happy New Year!  I pray that 2016 brings you good fortune, good health and great success in all of your endeavors.

OK. Now that all of the holidays and special occasions in my life are behind me, let me turn my attention back to my crazy internet marketing expedition.   One my last account from November 19th I told you about all of the emails that I was getting , I mean relentlessly getting, from several Internet Marketers.  I started to pay attention to the messages I found in the emails but was really very skeptical and thought that these are scammers whose only objective is to remove cash from my account into theirs so I moved cautiously.

One of those relentless emailers was Brian Fanale.  I would watch his videos and then go research the internet to see what I could find out about him and the product he was pushing.  I later found out the Brian Fanale was one of the founders of My Lead System Pro (MLSP).  That was one of the first companies to embrace what is called “Attraction Marketing”.  In the spring of 2013 I joined MLSP but not under Brian Fanale.  I actually joined under a guy by the name of Mark Harbert.

I learned a lot about the basics of Internet Marketing from MLSP.  I learned about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), Video Marketing, email marketing, what an autoresponder is and how to use it, copy writing, Facebook marketing and much more.  This was a new world to me and I took all of the training that I could get and tried to implement some of it.  I even join what is called the 100 day biz builder challenge.   I will talk more about this later.  Chow for now!  Peace and Blessing to you all.


Oh by the way, I would love to get some feedback.  Please give some comments below or just say Hi to let me know you were here.

Merry Christamas

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Well hello there gang,

I would like wish you and your families a very Merry Christmas.  Since my graduation post I have also had another major milestone.  I was ordained by my church and now have all of the rights and responsibilities of being an Ordained Minister.  I have also been working on a new project.  It’s called Social Media Springboard.  This ebook is for marketers who have been struggling to make it online but have not yet taken full advantage of Social Media.  Take a look at it today and receive a free ebook “Inevitable Social Media

I wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas.  I’ll talk to you next time.


Peace and Blessing,


Graduation Day


Ok Gang I have been away for a little bit working on some exciting new things that I will share with you soon. I will continue my saga on the next installment but now I just want to take the time and reflect on one of the big milestones in my life.  Tomorrow 12/11/2015, I will be getting my Master degree and am very thankful to to God for allowing me the opportunity to continue and finish this degree in Theology.

It was my “Why” when I joined LegalShield in 2011 so it has been one of those achievements that has been just out of reach.  There was always something that came up that forced me to put it on the back burner.  The death of my mother, the loss of my job, and my wife’s sickness were all events that occurred while trying to continue my education.  One of my mentors always says “It Is Impossible To Stop A Man Or Woman Who Will Not Quit!”  I refused to give up.  That’s the way I am.

I also refuse to stop fighting to become an online Marketer and have been working on a project that I am going to let you in on right now.  Check out this link http://bigbonusblowout.info/ and pick up on some great bonuses all dealing with using and getting leads from Facebook.  This will only last for three days so pick up your copy as soon as possible.  The product is “Fan Page Money Method” by Michael Cheney but make sure you click on my bonus page and take advantage of some very helpful material that will help you to grow as an Internet marketer too.  Also, you can get a 25% discount if you use the code: “secret25” at check out.

Hey, If you see this.  Leave a comment below or contact me at michael@learnwithmichaellee.com.

Happy Thanksgiving

From my family to yoursthanksgiving

The Saga Continues


Hey Gang,

so there we were roaming the halls of the local mall looking for prospects and shoving a business card into any open hand and letting everyone who would listen know of the awesome benefits of having their very own LegalShield membership.  But, there had to be a better way.  Our very actions were telling the world that if you want to be successful in your LegalShield Business then YOU TOO will be out at the Mall shoving business card into the hands of unsuspecting shoppers.  This was certainly not the way to win friends and influence people let alone recruit the right people into your business.  THERE HAD TO BE A BETTER WAY!

During this time I started to search for other ways of getting prospects.  I absolutely refused to leave notes on gas pumps, bum rush anyone who came within my 3 foot radius, or stand out in front of the local Walmart looking to “Get One” before the night was over.  My search took me online.  I reasoned that there had to be a way to reach people online and allow them the opportunity to learn about my wonderful opportunity.  There are thousands and thousands of people looking for the right opportunity online every day but how do you reach them?

My search led me to get interested in some of the emails that relentlessly poured into one of the email accounts.  You see, I set up several junk mail accounts.  If I suspected that signing up for something was going to land me on somebody’s email list I would give them a certain email account.  Then I would go and get the prize, or download or webinar and not worry about the junk mail that would surly follow.  One day I was searching my junk mail email account and noticed that the same guy had been emailing me for yearrrrrssss but I never paid any attention to the email until something caught my eye.  This email was basically telling my story.  I belonged to a network marketing company but had found myself in the NFL (No Friends Left) club.  This person told his story and showed how he was able to make it in internet marketing and promised that even if you belonged to another (Primary) business his program would help you to get leads for that business while building an income even if they said no to your company.

I was skeptical but as I looked through this email account I keep seeing other offers that claimed the same thing.  I started to pay attention to what my emails were telling me and started to check out these individuals relentlessly sending me emails.  I will tell you what this lead me to next time.

Peace and blessings,


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